Get Started Guide

This guide will teach you how to make a file conversion using FileSculptor.

1. Load a Source File

In the Import tab, select the type of the source file, if it is a CSV/Text file or a Excel-compatible spreadsheet. Configure the file so that the Content Preview grid shows data correctly.

FileSculptor Main Window

You can define field names and types by clicking on Field Properties button. If the source file is in text format and the field has a date or number value, you can configure the format of the date or decimal separator for the number value and FileSculptor will convert the data in the field from text to the specified value.

FileSculptor Field Properties

2. Transform Fields

In the Transform tab, add calculated fields based on the source fields. Click on Add New Field button to add and configure a calculated field. Define its name and functions, selecting fields from the source.

FileSculptor Transform Window

Configure calculated fields using Excel-like functions like Upper and Concatenate

FileSculptor Calculated Fields


3. Create Destination File

In the Export tab,  select the type of the destination file, if it is a CSV/Text file or a Excel-compatible spreadsheet. Select fields from the source(s) and/or calculated fields and reorder the fields in the order that they mush be exported. You can configure the program to create a destination file or append data to a existing file.

FileSculptor Export Window

4. Export

In the Run tab,  the Task Summary grid will show a summary of the export process. Click the Run Now button to begin the export process.

FileSculptor Run Process Window

5. Save Project

Use the File menu to save all the import/transform/export configuration as a project. Now you can open the file and repeat the process whenever you want to make the same conversion.