FileSculptor is a file conversion tool to convert files between the formats CSV (Text), XLS (Excel 97-2003) and XLSX (Excel 2007-2013). FileSculptor will save you time if you have to convert files and transform data frequently. Does not require Microsoft Excel.
Main Benefits
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Import one or more source files in the formats CSV, XLS or XLSX. Preview the content of the data to be converted on a grid.
Create calculated fields based on fields from the source files
Configure calculated fields using Excel-like functions like Upper and Concatenate.
Export the converted data creating or appending to the destination file in CSV, XLS or XLSX formats
The FSRUN utility brings support for command-line operations, using the same conversion projects created by FileSculptor. You can use it in BATCH files or schedule jobs in Windows to convert files frequently.
Below is a sample batch file using FSRUN to convert all CSV files in INPUT folder, appending data to a spreadsheet in OUTPUT folder, and moving the processed files to PROCESSED folder if the conversion succeeded or ERROR folder if the conversion failed.
@echo off rem call subroutine “onefile” for each file to be processed for %%f in (.\input\*.csv) do call :onefile “%%f” rem main program must end with exit /b or goto :EOF exit /b rem SUBROUTINE “ONEFILE” ————————— :onefile echo Processing file %1… rem convert file, moving it to processed folder if conversion succeeded rem or to error folder if conversion failed fsrun -r convert.fsc -src:source1 %1 > nul 2>&1 if not errorlevel 1 ( echo Processing of file %1 succeeded! move %1 .\processed\ ) else ( echo Processing of file %1 failed! move %1 .\error\ ) exit /b |
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Data Conversion Guide
If you are looking for a one-time conversion job, our Data Conversion Guide is a set of tutorials teaching how to manually convert data between different file formats, for example how to convert CSV files to Excel using Microsoft Office Excel.