What’s New

What’s New in FileSculptor

FileSculptor Revision History


Version 1.3
Release Date: November 7, 2015

* Added support for silent execution from command prompt
* Added warning about export limits on trial version
* Improved support for command-line execution
* Fixed a bug of not writing data depending upon source
and destination configurations
* Fixed a bug of not requiring destination file name


Version 1.2
Release Date: May 7, 2014

* Added support for command-line and schedule operation
* Fixed a bug of overwriting data when set to append
data to destination file of type XLS/XLSX
* Fixed a bug of writing header again when set to append
data to destination file
* Fixed a bug of showing old field names on destination
when the field name changes on the source


Version 1.1
Release Date: March 5, 2014

* Fixed a bug or rewriting the file when set to append
data to destination file of type CSV

Version 1.0
Release Date: February 13, 2014

* Initial release